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In-app notification summary and more improvements are now live!

Anna avatar
Shared by Anna • October 27, 2022

Hey there,

In-app notifications make you react fast to new messages, applications, and mentions in the system. That's why we've decided to put them on the next level 😎

All the notifications are now gathered in an in-app summary, divided into Read and Unread. A notification remains unread until you use Clear button or trigger the notification-related action. There's no chance of missing anything important 😉

"Show candidate profile" button redirects you to the summary of the candidate profile or to the quick preview of the candidate in a job; depending on the mention's location:

Since now, Hiring Managers mentioned in notes will also be notified! 😮

That's not all! Long text fields content will now be easy to preview from the list - to do it, use the eye icon or just put the cursor to see the full text:

We have also added autocorrection in the text editors so that no spelling mistakes ruin your search in the system 😉

Last but not least - additional confirmation is now required when removing notes, files from candidates' profiles, and calendar events.

Hope you like it 😊