New Feature Releases from the VinesOS Team

Maximize Profit - Set Special Event Pricing on Peak Times

Kristen avatar
Shared by Kristen • February 23, 2023

We are excited to announce a new feature that will allow you to take full advantage of special peak times and days for your events. You can now set special pricing that overrides your regular event pricing. This feature provides an excellent opportunity to maximize your profit potential by charging more during high-demand times and days.

For example, if you have a repeat event that runs from Friday to Sunday, it may make sense to charge less on Friday and Sunday (e.g., $100 per ticket) and charge more on Saturday (e.g., $200 per ticket). By adjusting your pricing to match the demand for specific days, you can attract more attendees and increase your revenue.

For more information on how to apply this feature to your reservations, read this article >> VinesOS Reservations Article